8 Top SEO Tips & Tricks for Your Business

Are you looking for ways to get more visitors to your website? Do you want to know how to improve your rankings?

Listen up as Telsa Media are going to show you exactly how simple changes to your website will help your business gain a higher ranking in the search engine results pages and ultimately increase traffic to your website.

Site Structure Finalisation

The best way to get a full understanding of how a user would react to your website is to put yourself in their position. Pretend you are looking for a particular product or service and you have never seen your website before.

Is the menu clear? Can you easily find what you are looking for? Is the structure of the page understandable?

It is important that when a user clicks on your site that they can find exactly what they want straight away.

Using relevant keywords is essential in understanding your sites SEO and your competitors. By finding relevant keywords and applying them to your website, you are improving your content strategy to get in front of other businesses.

Landing Page Optimisation

As soon as a user clicks on your website, they want to find what they are looking for straight away. However, if your landing page takes a while to load, the chances of the user ‘bouncing off’ is highly likely. There are simple ways to do this effectively, but if you would like assistance speak with Telsa Media today.

Another essential factor is that the call to action button or the contact information is evident as soon as a user visits your site. If the user has to search to find these details, they are more likely to go elsewhere.

Content Marketing

A simple way to get your website seen by many users is by creating engaging content. Long pieces of texts and huge paragraphs are boring. Audiences look for quick, punchy text that either informs or educates users on exactly what they want to know. Short, engaging paragraphs increases the chance of making a conversion.

Video content is also an element of SEO that is an innovative and fun way get a message across. If the content includes typical keywords relating to your business, it will show in specific search results people make.

Using effective imagery makes content much more appealing and shareworthy for users. Not only does it lure the user in, but it also can quickly describe what you are looking to sell.

Local SEO Optimisation

If you are looking to promote your business to users who are within your local area, it is important that you use targeted local keywords. These keywords will help you get recognised in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

One simple thing that many businesses miss out on is creating a Google My Business listing.

Google My Business is and free and simple tool that can help organisations and businesses manage their online presence in areas like Google Maps and Google Search. Once you have verified your business filling out your brand name and address, you allow customers to find you easily and find more information about your business. You can also interact with your customers by responding to reviews and posting images of what you do.

On-Page SEO Work

To boost your page rankings, it is important to enhance certain page elements including:

  • Meta descriptions
  • Internal links
  • Header tags
  • Page titles
  • URL

To do this, you need to use chosen keywords within these page elements to show search engines that your content is relevant in particular keyword searches. Make sure the website flows with strong titles and clear menu structure enabling users to find what they are looking for.

Set up Tracking Tools

Set up a tracking tool to track your lead results. By doing this, you can track:

How many users visit your landing page – this is great to see if there are any particular patterns such as an increase in visitors at the weekends.

Where your traffic is coming from – whether it’s from social media, organic results or email, your page visits will help you understand what is working and the areas you may need to improve on.

The average time a user is on your site – if a visitor is spending longer on your landing page, this is most likely because they are finding the content on your site valuable. If this isn’t the case, make sure your landing page is clear highlighting exactly what you wish to sell or put forward to encourage users to take action.

The Bounce Rate – this determines the percentage of people that leave your site after visiting one page. It is essential to make sure that your bounce rate is low to gain higher conversions. A high bounce rate may be because the landing page is unclear or not what the visitor expected.

Conversions – see how many Form Submits, Call Leads or E-commerce purchases have been made to understand how many users have completed an action on your website.

Claiming Brand Pages – One simple but effective way to get your brand across is through social media. Set up Facebook and Instagram pages to get your brand name readily available. Let those interested in your business connect with you by following, commenting and sharing your posts increasing your visibility. To save time, frequently schedule your social posts at the best time and date to increase your engagement and remain on your followers’ radar.

SEO Audit

An SEO audit checks your website to see how search engine friendly it is. There are many tools you can use to do this or simply hire an SEO expert like Telsa Media to take on the work for you. As Google regularly updates its algorithms, it’s important to check your SEO is up to date with the latest advances.

To check your website, search your brand name in Google and analyse the results. Here are a few things you can check:

  • Does Google display site-links with your listing?
  • Are the other results listed on the first page of SERPs relevant to your brand?
  • Does your homepage appear at the top?
  • Is the description below your homepage accurate?
  • Is your Google My Business listing correct?
  • Is the bottom of the results page relevant?

If any of these factors are incorrect, you will need to review and optimise your site structure and homepage SEO.

Some technical SEO checks you can also do is check that your URL is SEO friendly. Check that every URL page is unique, formatted properly and includes keywords.

One important feature that can affect users on your site is the page speed, it not only affects your ranking but can ultimately affect your conversion rate.

To improve your page speed, you can:

  • Update your website and its software to the latest version
  • Make sure you have the latest version of PHP
  • Remove any JavaScripts that are unnecessary from your pages
  • Use a cache plugin
  • Minimalise your CSS and HTML to make the size smaller.
  • Make the HTTP calls smaller by using browsing caching
  • Use CDN if you have lots of images
  • Compress your images to reduce the size of the image without losing quality

If you this doesn’t make sense to you, hire our SEO experts at Telsa Media, and we will complete an SEO audit on your website to enhance your rankings.

As mobile devices are often being used to search, it is crucial that your website is optimised for that device. If it doesn’t work on mobile, you are likely to lose traffic and rankings. There are many tools online to check what devices your website functions on or let Telsa Media do the hard work for you.

If you have followed all these steps to improve your SEO, congratulations! By making these adjustments, you will improve your rankings and enhance your organic traffic levels.

Struggling to understand exactly how to optimise your website? Unsure why it is not gaining a high position on the search results? Speak with our team at Telsa Media. With many years’ experience in SEO, we understand exactly how to get your website seen on the first page of the SERPs. Call us today on 0208 131 9627 or email us at hello@telsamedia.com for more information.

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